Samsung Beat DJ B&O
Type: Beat DJ
Evaluation in my collection: BNIB – 10/10
Life timer: 0m | Boxed: YES
Release Year: 2009 | Release Price: ~300 EUR
About: The Samsung Beat DJ is a phone with a silly gimmick: you can DJ on it. But it also sports some innovative user-interface ideas, and, even if you never scratch a platter, it’s still worth a look as a distinctive-looking device with a bright, beautiful touchscreen for a reasonable price.
Reviews when released: N/A
Functional | YES |
Made in | |
Release Year | |
Date of Manufacture | 2009 |
Battery | |
Charger | ATADU10EBE |
Boxed: | |
Remarks | NEW, full box, headsets, mic, books, cd, charger. |